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Kick-off Meeting on the SPECIALRACKET Erasmus+ project


On December 7, 2024, the first meeting on the project ” Fostering adapted badminton for individuals with special needs” with the acronym SPECIALRACKET was held. The project is funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Program, Call for Small Partnerships in the field of sport ERASMUS-SPORT-2024-SSCP. The project implementation period is 24 months.

The meeting was held online and was attended by representatives of all partners:
– Project Coordinator from Bulgaria – Racquet Speed ​​Badminton Club

– Partner 2 from Italy – APS ASD MARGHERITA SPORT E VITA


The project aims to promote adapted badminton for children and young people with special needs, aiming at their active inclusion in sports activities. The project objectives are:

–       To teach Adapted Badminton sport coaching techniques to racquet sport coaches, specifically teaching techniques aimed at children and youth with special needs, in order to raise the involved organizations’ capacities to use Adapted Badminton as a driving force for social inclusion.

–       To increase the capacity to operate at transnational level in the field of encouraging the social inclusion and the equal opportunities in sport in order to foster physical activities of European citizens as a necessary condition for a healthy lifestyle and better understanding of the European values.

–       To explore ideas and methods in different areas relating to sport and physical activities in order to establish a set of tools for sports of children and youth with special needs (Training Program and Guide for parents).

–       Explore the techniques learned by implementing Training Sessions in partner countries and analyse the obtained results

–       Disseminate Adapted Badminton for children and youth with special needs through websites and social media pages to the main stakeholders at local and regional level (Municipalities, Federations, sports clubs, centers for children and youth with special needs, parents’ associations) aimed at increasing the diffusion of this sporting discipline among young people.

The agenda of the meeting covered a wide range of topics that are of key importance for the successful implementation of the project:

– Project Management and Coordination

The main management documents were discussed – quality management plan, risk management plan, communication plan, budget allocation and schedule, project progress reporting.

programmes/practices, trainings, methods for children and young people with special needs/disabilities); a review of the national legal framework for adapted sport of all partner countries; a review of good practices on existing modules/tools and sports training programmes in adapted badminton for children and young people with special needs. Future activities were planned, including an exchange visit to Greece.

– Design of Training programme
The discussion covered the creation of a specialized program “Adapted badminton – a successful tool for sports and physical activities of children and youth with special needs according to their age”, which will be tailored to different age groups – from preschool to adolescence. The commitments of the partners and the schedule for completing the program were specified.

– Guide for parents and relatives
The creation of a “Training guide for parents and relatives of children and youth with special needs regarding their inclusion in sports activities and in adapted badminton” was a main item on the agenda, which aims to provide guidelines for the active inclusion of children and youth with special needs in sports activities.

– Planning the next events
The participants discussed organizational aspects of the future 3 training sessions and project meetings to be held in Italy, Greece and Bulgaria.

– Communication, dissemination and impact assessment
Ideas for promoting the project results through digital platforms and other channels were presented and the development of a communication and publicity strategy for the project was discussed. Additionally, the criteria for assessing the impact and sustainability of the project were discussed.

The meeting was successful, demonstrating the commitment and willingness to cooperate on the part of all participants. We look forward to the next stages in the implementation of the project, which will contribute to the integration of young people with special needs through sport!

#SPECIALRACKET #AdaptedBadminton #InclusiveSport #ErasmusSport #ErasmusPlusProject #ErasmusCooperation

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”



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